Go easy on me! These are my first scans! I am still just getting used to this! I will be stealing source code ;-) and making much better layouts soon. This is just to finally show the stuff I've been hinting at to everyone for so long.

Lean into it!

You can see me leaning fairly far over in this pic.
I was probably never over this far 'til that day!

Home Stretch

This was trickier than it looks. The corner had a changing radius and you had to choose between diving for the near side of the timer or lots of power to the far side.

What's my time?

This is where we all slammed on the brakes and jerked our heads to the side to see our times. 8-) Real safe, huh!

How'd I do?

The guy I'm talking to is an MSF instructor and he was generous enough to help me quite a bit with getter smoother and faster. I wish I remembered his name so I could honor him here. It was a great ego boost to have him tell me my riding was already very smooth, and he helped me remember to look through the corner. (That's what I missed at the course, too! You'd think I'd eventually get it right!)